
Ms Brauer doesn't have a secret identity, but sometimes using someone's nom de héroïque is appropriate anyway. It indicates that you treat their work seriously, rather than thinking of them as some kind of costumed lunatic.

Who isn't also doing a decent job.

But this is out of hours. She's not on the job, and calling her 'Donner' might make her think this is some sort of emergency…

Ah, just sidestep it.

"Hi, Orange Lantern here. Are you busy?"

"I can talk. Have you found another one of us?"

Not in the way you're asking.

"No, I… Actually need to ask a favour. We just had a hole to a parallel universe open in near-Earth orbit. A woman came through, and she's… Having a bit of culture shock. You're… She knows their version of you, and… Nearly no one else here has a direct equivalent. Are you willing to meet her?"

"What sort of parallel universe?"

I wince inwardly.

"Your parents would probably have liked it."

"My p-? You mean… The Nazis..?"

"Yeah. So you know better than anyone what sort of environment she grew up in."

"Is she dangerous? Violent?"

"So far she's been.. about as reasonable as she could be. She's clearly not happy, but I've explained how things are different here and the worst she's done is use intemperate language to describe it."

M'gann turns away from their ongoing conversation to frown at my use of the word 'intemperate'. Because M'gann knows how I use that word, and while Angelika is being a little standoffish, she's being polite. She isn't giving any overt sign of being angry or scared. I guess even Nazi's just a word, until they start calling your friends subhuman.

"Why are you asking for her?"

"Because you had a change of heart and I'd like you do help her do the same. Her existing relationship-" Angelika frowns at me. "-with your alter-ego means that she's more likely to listen to you than… Well…"

"Everyone knows about the cake."

"She.. doesn't."

Angelika shakes her head and turns back to Kon. "Did Orange Lantern do something with a cake?"

"Didn't, hurray for super hearing."

"Hehaha. Yes, okay, I can see her. Have you been clear that I am not the other version of me?"

"I'll reiterate-"

"He what?!"

I sigh quietly. "-it. Where are you?"

"Val and I are in Inges Karotte in Munich. Can you find it?"

Hotel? Bar? Doesn't matter.

"Yes, no problem. Thank you. I'll see you shortly."

I hang up.


And there's a picture of the cake on the holographic display.

"Overgirl, she's fine with meeting you-."

"Of course she is." She presses a button and the hologram vanishes. "Where is she?"

"Munich, so we're heading there. They don't have a zeta tube, so we'll head to Berlin and fly."

She nods. "Okay." She returns her attention to my friends. "Kon-El, M'gann, Aqualad, it was nice to meet you all."

"Yeah." Kon smiles and waves as we head towards the zeta tube. "Hope you get home soon!"

"Now, I want to be sure that you understand that-"

"Recognized, Orange Lantern, B zero six, Overgirl, A Six One."

14th March

22:22 GMT +1

"-your Gerri Brauer and ours aren't-."

"She isn't a National Socialist, I know. I heard everything both of you said." She taps her right ear with her right forefinger. "'Over hearing'."

"She was brought up as a National Socialist, but stopped after-."

"After she saw the wonders of your de-. Society. And you want her to convince me."

I point upwards with my right forefinger. She nods, and we rapidly ascend above the Berlin streets and turn south south west.

"If it helps, I'm happy to let you try and turn me into a National Socialist. If you have objective evidence, I'll examine it."

"Hm, very gracious of you. But Aunty Gerri was not a very.. 'good' National Socialist on my Earth." She smiles. "Heh. She still jokes to me about being a sexual deviant."

"Really? What particular deviation..?"

"That she is attracted to women. The first time she did it I nearly telephoned the State Police. Even after she explained it to me I thought it was a shocking thing to joke about for years. But now it's just tiresome. 'Aunty Gerri, please, it's not funny anymore, you're not fooling anyone.'"

"Seems.. like a bit of a risky joke."

"We don't execute people for making jokes."

Ring, what sort of place is Inges Karotte?


Well I can't pretend…

"Theoretically, what would happen in your society if she wasn't joking, she just used that as a cover when you walked in on her with her girlfriend?"

Angelika stops in the air and gives me an extremely disturbed look.

"Why are you asking?


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